the learning curved

After reading a post of mine someone asked me whether I really believed in the concept of learning from other’s mistakes in a mba… well there cannot be a better person for the job… or maybe there are more like me out there. In fact I was following this principle even before an mba – that is probably the reason I did my engineering, don’t smoke, don’t have a girlfriend, am still a virgin and I am doing an mba.

In fact I learn only from others mistakes, I have begun to forget that there are some learnings from what they do right too…

This is maybe why I never take risks. I have read about people who have taken risks and done great and about people who have taken risks and have gotten screwed. My mind decides to retain the latter at the forefront and keeps the others just for the sake of GK.

This is maybe why I never speak up… I have seen people voice their opinions against things that are against their principles and get respected for it and I have seen people voice their opinions against things that are against their principles and get ridiculed for it. My mind decides to retain the latter at the forefront and keeps me reminded to keep my mouth shut even if my heart gets torn to shreds.

This is maybe the reason I don’t try to make new friends too easily… I have seen people start off by forcing themselves onto groups and people they know nothing about and get accepted as part of the gang and I have seen people start off by forcing themselves onto groups and people they know nothing about and get rejected and dejected. My mind decides to retain the latter at the forefront and keeps me reminded to approach new people with caution and not to open up.

This is maybe the reason why I don’t have faith in the unknown angels… I have seen people put in too much expectation in divinity and fate and get rewarded and I have seen people put in too much expectation in divinity and fate and go bankrupt and lose everything. My mind decides to retain the latter at the forefront and makes me paranoid about expected outcomes and gives me a pessimist tag.

This is maybe the reason I stick to conformity and not try something new… I have seen people doing something outrageous like humorous presentations or even proposing to the girl they love and being applauded and I have seen people doing something outrageous like humorous presentations or even proposing to the girl they love and getting the spirit beaten out of them. My mind decides to retain the latter at the forefront and makes me a coward constantly afraid to step out of the boundaries defined.

I have learnt so much from other’s mistakes that I am beginning to believe that it was all a big mistake…

1 comment:

SRK said...

you have been a student all this while... i guess it is time to become a teacher and let other people learn from ur mistakes...

So go ahaead, voice ur opinion, and propose to ur gal... :DD