Aa ante arangettram*

For the uninitiated, I danced. Yup, you read it right… anyways just for confirmation – “I D-A-N-C-E-D”… for those who cannot believe it, I am sorry to let you down, but that is the truth. Let me tell you how I got myself into this mess… yes, I chased it and caught it. I take full responsibility for the mishap.

The occasion was our farewell and people were all wired up to do something to leave a lasting impression on others… so that everyone will remember them in a different light than what they have been projected over the last 2 years… and I got to know that the easiest way to do this was to dance… wait… before you decide that my post ends here, I did not jump at this point waving my arms shouting “pick me pick me me me”… that is still a long way off…

I come back from this back-breaking trek from harishchandragad and the next evening I learn that one of the guys is dancing in the world famous telugu song “aa ante amalapuram”… since I am a little well informed, I assumed that it is a fun song (and also the way it was sung out to me seemed to convey the same), I decided to watch the practice session and have a good laugh and go to sleep (I was still tired after the trek remember).

So I hungrily follow this bugger to the emba 4 classroom (primarily designed to serve as a lunch room for the emba gang, ideal for dance practices as this room has no furniture). Then there was a signal from above – the lift did not work that day. I should have known that it was an omen for my impending doom. But did I care? My sadistic hormones were on a high and I wanted to derive the maximum pleasure of watching people practice for some stupid gult song. So I walked up all the way – can you believe it – 3 floors on my tired legs…

Then I am sitting there urging people to start on that dance, when they started the reverse psychology technique on me… and the worst part is they hit me with logic… now no engineer or a sane person can argue with logic… logic so profound that it beats all arguments… the logic was “it is all in the mind da… if you think you can do it, you can… you can even climb mount everest without oxygen if you want to… when people who are less athletic than you (omitted part: but have lived all their life doing nothing else but climbing mount everest) can do it, why can’t you?”

So there I am intimidated by a belligerent group of southies who have also bought the logic of the mind thing and I have no choice but to accept. Then I realize that it wud have been easier getting beaten up.

3 pearls of wisdom:
1) never trust your dance teachers if they say that the steps are sooooooo easy
2) never get into contracts/agreements without understanding why there are no other contenders
3) do unto others as you would have them do unto you

We had 2 really patient dance teachers… yup that was on the first day… the second day we were the patients… the amount of learning that went into it is tremendous… in a span of 4 days I would have learnt more dance steps than I had probably learnt in my entire lifetime… it is not easy when you have to move as fast as 2 steps per second… that was when I realized why there were no other competitors to this song… and each of those steps had a zillion other body parts moving in tandem… it was easy doing them all individually… but when it came to integration testing, none of them resembled the original…

Feedback is a very important thing when you are doing anything for the first time and also racing against time to master it. Pinpointed specific feedback is absolutely essential and a solution for course correction is mandatory from the experts. We got a lot of those. An example is – “you are learning fast da (this is P&P funda – give the good news first). But sometimes somewhere some step you are not doing properly. Do them properly.” If you stupidly ask which step and how I should do it, pat comes the reply “I am not sure, somewhere some step…”

Anyways, there was no time for diplomacies, nor was there for proper education. And of course the drop out of the best dancer in the group of 4 helped… as the hotchpotch the rest of us were doing was barely noticeable in relativity. So our teachers stopped complaining too – threatened that they may have more casualties they in fact started praising us. We somehow plodded through more practice sessions, all of us never being in sync at all tries – sleepy and slow, or forgotten steps, or just plain clumsiness… even the dry runs on the stage turned out to be disastrous…

Anyways the d-day arrived and the choreographers had their own dance to worry about and so we were temporarily forgotten… we (the 3 of us) ran through the steps in our minds at all times, as stupidly flailing our arms and legs and occasionally the rest of the body in the middle of the road or in the mess would spoil the element of surprise (don’t even think that we were embarrassed at being the laughed at). And yes we had a short disturbed sleep before leaving for a warm up session before the event – snacks were served.

The event started and happened… nothing much as a rotten tomato found its way to the stage, and we were euphoric hearing the crowd cheer and bliss of ignorance of having goofed up our steps on stage. We just swept the stage like a hurricane – we were on the stage when it was dark and before people could get accustomed to the lights when they came on we were off.

And anyways it was our farewell and people were forgiving – I realized this when I saw the videos. Pray that nobody else realizes it, else my testimonials go for a toss.

PS. Anyone who wants to watch my great performance can ping me and fix up an appointment. I will point out in the video my exact position and time. Of course there will be a contract signed and will be taken to court if the confidentiality is breached.

*Arangetram is a graduation performance that is the part of the traditional format – the Margam ( path) . It reflects the different stages of the dancer’s consciousness. In Tamil Aranga means a raised stage and etram means climbing. It is also called as Rangaprevesha in Kannada where Ranga means stage and prevesha means enter. Arangetram is test for the Sishya ( student) as well as the Guru (teacher) as the Guru’s knowledge and the Sishya’s talent are judged by the Public. So the Arangetram is done only when the Guru feels that the Sishya is capable and talented enough to perform the Arangetram.

Adios amigos

It is time to say good bye to all those people with whom I have had the chance to be with over the last 2 years… but I really don’t want to. I want this to continue… I mean I did hate the acads part and all those war over the grades and things, but I actually don’t mind doing it now. I am not usually sentimental… in fact I never am sentimental… well even if I do get senti at times it is often mistaken for humor… so well this post might actually be unsentimentalistic but I hope I do manage to convey what I feel irrespective of whether it makes you laugh or wanna belt me with rotten tomatoes…

Well since the first para sets the tone of my emotional state, let me confess the condition I am in for those who cannot read beyond the lines… I am confused… I really don’t know what I want to do… my last 3 months of useless existence (or so it seemed) without the hectic pace of the MBA up to trim 4 has me really wanting to get out of this place… friends turn backstabbers when you want them around… they go home or go into hibernation… just when you need them the most. Revenge was the first thing on the agenda. I should leave too… my family is waiting (ah-ummm on second thought they must have really forgotten their eldest child as it has been 9 long years… but still I got a place to go… )

But wait on second thoughts, do I really want to leave? Yeah of course the point of progress and call of duty and last but not the least the concept of having a regular money supply is enticing. But then we would all become money making zombies… no personal life… no time with friends… not much socializing… no chill out… or worse still our friends would become money making zombies and have no time for you… again that begins the vicious cycle of revenge as explained in the previous para. On hindsight, the reason I quit my job to do an MBA was because I was losing my marbles thanks to the latter situation. But with an MBA our responsibilities are expected to increase and so time spent with friends is gonna rapidly decrease… so if you can’t beat them, join them – become a zombie yourself.

I cannot imagine a life outside of the protected enclosure I have been through the last 2 years. Of course this was how I felt during my engineering graduation, but then at that time I did not run into this place seeking protection from the hostile world. Then it was like a warm place called paradise giving you the power of money to give you the freedom to live a life you wanted. But now I am going back, totally unsure if I am actually equipped for the war as I am portrayed to be. At least during my engineering my lack of experience helped me to be motivated for the adventure that lay outside. But now that I know what lies outside, I am not sure I want to go there again…

But then the last 2 years have taught me to be confident and face things as they come. So ideally I am better equipped than the people I would meet out there for they don’t know that beneath the exterior armor of the MBA, there is actually no protection, but I am stronger because I know that fact. Or maybe I am wrong in my self evaluation, but you know information is wealth, and wrong information is better preparedness and when preparedness meets opportunity it is converted into luck… you get the equation right?

Over the last 3 months that have been tantalizingly devoid of any work and have given me a lot of time to recuperate and reflect (read: sleep and day dream), I have actually begun to hate it… the long periods of dormancy is actually killing me… and having had a taste of the work life, I am not sure why I should expect otherwise here too… at least here I knew that there were others like me who would readily ping for movies and at work I am all alone. Well at least everybody else is cocooned into their own lives to respond to a movie request… and how can we watch a movie in as formal a setting as a workplace… a classroom is fine… in fact the excuse could even be that we are using the movie as a case study.

But I also hated the hectic MBA schedule of so many assignments quizzes and worst of all boring profs and classes… but actually what really makes me want to go back to those torture chambers again is the fact that I want to see the others too in the same boat. I cannot imagine life without IP messages… all those mindless MCs and chatting with your neighbors… well I don’t know if I would even have a neighbor who would know to use a good messenger let alone exploit the features of IP messenger… yeah of course I might get a good internet connection and be able to download unlimited movies and software from some remote person’s hard disk some million miles away, but I might not get the movie that my friends have seen last nite over the small grey window… how will I ever get those warnings and death threats for simple harmless movies like K3G and salaam-e-ishq and Jaaneman…

But actually there is no reason ever for even those friends of yours to actually keep you updated on trivial things in life as the movie they watched last nite… there is no reason for the not so close friends to even remember you even. The few seconds we get to meet on the streets would be lost in the exchange of pleasantries that are common while here… before signing off with a “keep in touch da” without actually exchanging details on how to and moving on… yeah of course, we have the mailing groups which would probably have a grand revival now… but then considering our busy schedules we have to show to our masters, how often would we do a check on those places…

It is all in the mind you might say again… it is just a mental block and you can keep in touch if you want to… and then that argument brings us to the beginning of the post, why all these elaborate good byes… why sign on the t-shirts all those lovey dovey messages… why write all those “god bless you and may you have a great future ahead” in the year book if you are going share my future anyways by keeping in constant touch…

Of course it may not be completely possible to eliminate the cyclic redundancies out here but then life will have to move on… there is no point in living in the past and we got the future to watch out for… but then the past is what we are… now again the confusion begins… I am back to paragraph 1…