Driven by inertia...

why name a blog "inert matter" ? is it the very nature of the blog to be inert ? Or is it something to do with the nature of the blogger ?

what is the state of being inert... dictionary says something like "being sluggish and non-reactive"... (actually i am a bit lazy to even look it up in the dictionary so u got to trust me on this).

Ok... now that the definition is somewhat in place, let us come back to why i name this blog inertmatter...

Newton was probably the only person who gave a "good" usage to the name. He said - "every body continues to remain in a state of inertia unless acted upon by an external force to change its state..." . So when Newton means everybody, he means everybody - i am a law abiding citizen.

I am a non-conforming idealist... at the same time i am lazy too... i don't wish to take up the onerous duty of ridding the world of all its evils and making this a utopia... so all my outpourings (also called cribbings by those who hear me) should go somewhere... i am running out of patient listeners... even my roomies seem to be spending more time in the library reading rooms in the company of big books (yeah, no typo there !!!).

So here goes - i exercise my right to freedom of speech and expression. All my views are mine only. If it affects you in any way, you are free to exercise your free will to be either affected or not affected. And based on the affection, if you are acting, it is again your free will, not my free gifts...

As always, my matter is always inert, you bring the external force.

Ignorance WAS Bliss

What is the philosophy of an mba course ???

Why did i ever decide to do an mba ? come to think of it, if i had mentioned the actual thoughts that were running through my head during the interview i wud not be writing abt this here ...

well coming back why did i... some people may think this is a bit wierd, but the main reason i wanted to do an mba was because i wanted to own a laptop ! wud you believe that ! absolutely wrong interview reply !!!

secondly, i was tired of looking at my tyrannical boss's face (that had changed 3 times during my tenure there) that i decided to come over... in other words, "from the frying pan into the fire"...

third : i felt i was losing focus and doing with full interest only those things that i found interesting... that means i was not doing good at my drab work... was just loafing around in the office warming the seat and getting a fat sal in return... i was getting too soft...

fourth: was an opportunity to maybe earn a better salary after my 2 years... can't comment on this and i don't feel like it either having quit a high paying job (very high paying by my current standards)

as u can see all wrong replies that wud have landed me back in hell - the seat at my workplace... but come to think of it was that hell... then what is this ? hell^2 ? or hell^3... or is hell + hell = hell anyways...

no actualy i think that i was better off there... frankly speaking i did not know that i was happy out there rather than now. then i did not have a clue about india's fiscal policy nor the concept of demand forecasting... now, i don't know wot they are still... but others around me know it or rather seem to know it... now that made me get into a disadvantage as here it is all relative grading... at the job it was only your performance that affected your appraisal (or at least that is what they said).

here they tell you "not everyone is perfect... if you can't do good math hire a CA... that is why you are a manager dammit..." and then when you perform badly at math, they award you a 'F'...

i am still trying to understand y ? if so many people are passing out of b-schools every year, not all of them could be wrong... after all there are a lot of engineers passing out of engg colleges too every year... and the majority of students @ b-schools are engineers... well engineers cannot be wrong, can they ?

How to begin

Suppose someone gave you a pen—a sealed, solid colored pen.

You couldn’t see how much ink it had. It might just run dry after a few tentative words or last just enough to create a masterpiece or several more that would last forever and make a difference in the scheme of things. You don’t know what would happen before you begin.

Under the rules of the game, you really would never know. You might lose or you might just win. You have to take that chance!

Actually, no rule of the game states that you must do anything. Instead of picking up and using the pen, you could leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up, unused.

But if you just decide to use it, what would you do with it? How will you play the game?

Would you plan and plan before you ever wrote a word? Would your plans be so extensive that you never even got to the writing?

Or would you take the pen in the hand, plunge right in and just do it, struggling to keep up with the twists and turns of the torrents of words that take you where they take you?

Would you write cautiously and carefully, as if the pen might run dry the next moment, or would you pretend or believe (or pretend to believe) that the pen will write for ever and proceed accordingly?

And of what would you write??: of love? Betrayal? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing? Something? Everything?

Would you write to just please yourself? Or others? Or yourself by writing for others?

Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? Fancy with a flourish or plain?

Would you even write? Once you have a pen, there is no hard and fast rule saying you have to write. Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw?

Would you stay in or on the lines, or see no lines at all, even if they were there? Or are they?

There’s a lot to think about here, isn’t there?

Now, suppose someone gave you a life…

I donno the origin of this article, but it really applies to me. So many blog sites so much to write, but what to start off with ???

my intro ? who would want to know about me anyway... if they wanna know abt me look into my profile...
my family and personal life ? No way... gets too personal that ...
my school ? though they were some real good memories, they are fast fading... cannot remember most of it...
my engg days ? man were they too good ... the best days of my life... but the 4 yrs can be condensed into a nutshell...
my present mba ? if engg was 4 years, mba is only 2yrs... half a nutshell ? no maybe considering the actual hours put in an mba to that of engg, maybe it wud fill a nutshell complete

what the heck... let me write about the rest of my life - which begins from now...